XSTO Stair Climber ZW4170D Review

XSTO Stair Climber ZW4170D Review

Powered stair climbers are an essential piece of kit for moving, and if you don’t know much about it, it can make you hard to make a decision.

And that’s why I wanted to spend some time discussing our XSTO stair climber ZW4170D and show you what it offers.

Sounds good?

Great, let’s get started!

Things To Consider When Buying Powered Stair Climber

When you are spending money on a new powered stair climber, you need to know what to consider before splashing your cash. In this section, I want to spend some time explaining the top considerations:

What’s Your Budget?

Understanding how much you have to spend before you look at products is an important aspect to consider. Before you start looking, define how much you’re willing to pay and go from there; it will help in the long run.

What Equipment Do You Move?

Powered stair climbers are very efficient at moving different styles of cargo:

  • Furniture
  • Keg
  • Oil Drum
  • Home Appliance

But here’s the thing:

Not all powered stair climbers can carry everything; they all have their specialties. Think about what you move the most and go for a powered stair climber that can carry out the job.

How Heavy Is The Powered Stair Climber Your Carrying?

Again, you need to think about how heavy the cargo that you carry are. Overloading an electric stair climber is a recipe for disaster. Always go for a stair climbing hand truck that can carry more weight than you need.

How Many Floors Do You Climb Per Day?

Powered stair climbers run off battery power, and if you’re constantly going upstairs, there’s a chance that it will run out halfway through a job. Think about how many floors you climb a day, and see if the powered stair climber can handle it on one charge.

How Easy Is It To Transport?

Transporting items in a van can be challenging due to the lack of space. Having a powered stair climber that’s lightweighted and foldable can make it a lot easier to transport.

XSTO Stair Climber ZW4170D Features And Benefits  

Hopefully, the above section has helped you understand what the product has to offer. But in this section, I want to break down what the product is like to use and explain some of the features:

Easy to Use

The ZW4170D was designed to make using it as efficient as possible. It’s fully collapsible, which makes it easy to pack away, and very easy to reassemble.

Using this stair climber couldn’t be easier; it’s a case of using the right buttons for the job. 

There’s a point touch button on the handle, which powers the machine when you touch it. 

If you follow the handles down, you see one button on either side. One of the buttons is to control the speed of the stair climber.

It has two-speed settings, which are shown by either one line or two lines. It’s a simple case of flicking the switch to the speed you require.

On the other side of the climber, you’ll find another switch, which controls the stair climbing modes. 

You can flick the switch to climb stairs or go downstairs, which is indicated by the button with pictures and arrows.  

As for using the stair climber on flat ground, it’s straightforward. It has big rubber tires which provide a very smooth ride.

And when it comes to loading the trolley, it’s a case of slipping the loading board the item you need to move.

Battery Life & Charging 

XSTO stair climber ZW4170D is powered by rechargeable lithium battery which shows its percentage of battery and voltage in a display screen.

Knowing how long the battery lasts and how long it takes to charge is very important if your want to keep your productivity high.

This stair climber can climb around 60-135 floors on a single charge. Of course, this will depend on how heavy the item you’re transporting and what speed you’re using.

Charging the powered stair climber will take around 2.5 hours with a charging voltage of 100V-240V. Thanks to the quick charging times, and long battery life, you should be able to stay productive and not have to take breaks for charging. 

Stair Climbing Ability 

It’s fantastic at climbing stairs, which has to be the most crucial aspect of the XSTO Stair Climber ZW4170D. 

It’s effortless to switch from going up to downstairs; it’s just a flick of the button.

When you’re on low speed, the stair climber can take on 24 steps per minute. And if you flick it to high speed, you can take on 34 steps per minute.

But, it’s not just the speed of the stair climber you should be thinking about. You also need to think about the stairs corner it can actually maneuver.

The stairs’ height must be smaller than 21 CM if you want to navigate the stairs safely without the fear of support arms failing.

And when it comes to width, the staircase must be over 25 CM for the stair climber to fit. But of course, the space may have to be bigger depending on what you’re transporting.

When transporting anything, make sure it’s correctly strapped down and doesn’t exceed 170 KG.

Optional Fixtures

One of the great things about this stair climber is how adaptable it is. You can add extra attachments to the stair climber to suit the needs of what you’re carrying. 


These extras include:

  • Gas Cylinder Fixtures
  • Keg
  • Guardrails
  • Widened Fixture
  • Water Bottle Fixture
  • 4th Attachment Fixture

Having the ability to add extra attachments to your motorized stair climber is a massive benefit and helps add extra safety to the job.

What Did Other People Say About XSTO Stair Climber?

After checking out some reviews, I found people to be delighted with the powered stair climber model. It worked exceptionally well and made their deliveries quicker and more energy-efficient.

They also found the company had excellent communication, which made the buying process a lot easier.

Final Thoughts 

Overall the XTSO Stair Climber ZW4170D is an excellent piece of equipment. It’s extremely high functioning when climbing stairs and takes the hard work out of moving.

The climber effortlessly climbs staircase at a rate that’s suitable for any user. And thanks to the adjustability, people of all heights can feel comfortable using it.

When it comes to the battery life, it’s also incredibly efficient, so it’s unlikely you’ll need to charge during a workday.

If you’re looking for a low-cost stair climber, you’ve found your best option right here!

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